Did you know that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support?
Not only is video marketing something that your customers want, it is also one of the best ways to increase brand awareness. A study conducted by Optinmonster in 2019 revealed that video marketers achieve a 54% increase in brand awareness.
Martin Bloomfield, Director and Videographer at Seaside Creative, gave a talk at one of our recent breakfast meetings and he covered his top 3 things to consider before filming a video.
So here they are, in written form:
#1: How long do you want the video to be?
This may seem like an obvious thing to consider, but it is important to understand the impact the length of a video can have on consumers. It is a well-known fact that our attention spans have only decreased over the years. Which means that the length of the video you create can have a huge impact on how engaged your consumers are when watching it. In fact, before even clicking play, consumers decide whether to watch your video or not based on how long it is.
Martin says the optimal length of a short video is about 90 seconds to ensure consumers not only play the video, but also stay engaged.
#2: What is the point in the video?
Make sure that you have a clear idea as to what the point of the video is. There’s not much point in creating a video just for the sake of making a video. Be clear on what the message is that you want to get across and how you’re going to do it. Creating a storyboard is a great way to plan the video before shooting it.
#3: How good is the lighting?
A phrase that is often thrown around by beauty gurus, but they do have a point! Making sure the location you’re filming in has good lighting is very important. Although Martin has plenty of different professional lights, sometimes all he needs is a good window to set the camera in front of. Using natural light is an affordable way to light up the filming area.
For the full blog, which includes more top tips, head over to our .